Support us!


to support a new idea of orchestra!


The Colibrì Ensemble is not just a simple orchestra, it is a real cultural project in all senses.
A different way of conceiving a music institution, a project that starts from bottom up in which the musicians are called upon to play lead role

The Colibrì Supporters

sostenitoriMany members of the public, from the very early stages, have given an economic contribution to the activities of the orchestra by paying a fee that includes admission to all season concerts, a discount on special events and the Amici del Colibrì Association membership card.

We have created a distinctive logo which appears at every Colibrì event which identifies such supporters as major sponsors providing us not only with a strong economic boost but also offering a praiseworthy ethical gesture full of profound meaning.


  We thank you and are truly honored by your support!


                        You too can do your bit!
         Join the group of Colibrì Supporters!

 SUPPORTER FEE 200.00 euro

By becoming a Colibrì Supporter, you will be entitled to:

  • admission to all season concerts
  • the benefits of the Amici del Colibrì Association membership card